The Goddess Tarot 25th Anniversary full color hardcover
The Goddess Tarot 25th Anniversary full color hardcover
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With over a quarter of a million copies in print, The Goddess Tarot is one of the most beloved tarot decks ever created. It uses goddess stories and imagery to update traditional tarot symbolism to create a true celebration of the Divine Feminine. First published in 1998, The Goddess Tarot hasn’t had a full color book devoted to its inspiring art and empowering wisdom—until now.
• A special foreword by famed tarotist Sasha Graham, author of The Dark Wood Tarot, Tarot Diva, and other bestselling tarot publications.
• An introduction by Kris Waldherr detailing the creation and publication history of The Goddess Tarot.
• Over 100 full color Goddess Tarot illustrations, including full page reproductions of the 22 goddesses that comprise its Major Arcana.
• Expanded descriptions and keywords for each of the 78 cards that make up the Goddess Tarot.
• Empowering retellings of goddess myths.
• Expanded tarot reading guide, card spreads, and helpful tips to add meaning and depth to your experiences with The Goddess Tarot.
6×9″ interior trim. Hardcover case wrap. 204 pages full color on deluxe 80# coated paper.
Also available as a b/w trade softcover and ebook. View on Amazon.
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